
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Indoor DIY Felt Snowman

For some reason kids love felt. I don't know if it is the texture or what that attracts them but they seem to enjoy it. If you find yourself trapped indoors due to the cold or you are just looking for some indoor activities this is a fun one that is simple but little ones enjoy. 

You can make this as big as you'd like. If you had a felt Christmas tree for kids to decorate at Christmas this can take it's play and be the size of the small trees or it can be small the size of a 8 1/2x 11 piece of felt. That is the size of mine here.

Simply purchase felt pieces or dig through the scraps that you already have on hand. He does not have to be perfect. I used one ivory piece and then scraps of red, yellow, black, and brown. 

Tell the kids you are building Olaf from Frozen. I have not seen the movie yet but heard he was quite funny!

Instructions and Suggested Uses Follow:

                              2 circles make the head and body

2 small circles make eyes, 3 larger black circles make buttons.

Scraps of brown make a hat and two arms

Small piece of yellow (I did not have orange) makes a carrot nose.

Long skinny piece of red or any color makes a scarf.

Snowman is complete. 

Ideas for Use:
  • Put his pieces in the travel size wipe containers and stash him in your diaper bag for portable entertainment.
  • Make  a snowman family that little ones can make and mix and match pieces as they would like.
  • Put magnets on the back and he can be built on a chalkboard wall or your fridge. 
  • Use him to teach little ones shapes and/or colors as you build. Find the biggest circle. Find the square for the hat. Find the rectangle for the scarf. Find the triangle for the nose. 
  • Hide the pieces in a room and see if kids can find the pieces and put him together. 
  • Use at the end of a lesson of any kind and ask questions. With each correct answer kids get a part to build. Make two and have teams.
  • Make it a little smaller and turn it into the pages of a quiet book. A little pocket can hold all of his pieces and kids can pull them out to build on road trips or in places when they need to be quiet.
If you have any other ideas I would love to hear them! What do you do to keep your little ones busy in the winter?

1 comment:

  1. So cute! And since we get virtually no snow here it's the closets we'll get to a real snowman! ;)
