
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Anonymous 12 Days of Christmas Nativity Version

I'm sure I am a little bias but I consider my parents to be very kind hearted. I remember as a child going with my Dad to anonymously leave an envelope of money in a mailbox for a family in need. A year or two later I remember my mom wrapping up the pieces of a nativity set to take to a family whose mother had just been diagnosed with cancer. She added little treats to each nativity piece and then my siblings and I would take turns each of the 12 nights before Christmas dropping off these little packages at the doorstep of the home, ringing the doorbell and dashing off into the night so as not to be caught. 

As I have grown older I've tried to make a very conscious effort to do something anonymously no matter how big or small to someone that is in need during the holiday season. Maybe they don't need money. Maybe it is just the simple thought of someone caring and thinking about them. 

Packages ready to go!
I remember doing the 12 Days of Christmas Nativity to a family with my sister and driving to the house each night to leave the small packages. That is a fond Christmas memory for me, both the time I got to spend with her as we giggled all the way there and back and the fact that we were caught on the last night and told by the parents how much their children had enjoyed waiting for the doorbell to ring each night. 
So big or small I hope you'll find a way to do something for someone else during the season because that is what Christmas is really all about. You don't need to have a lot of money to do it. Simple things often touch people the most, and you truly never know how much your recipient may need it.

Picture of this years Nativity
Use the 12 Days of Christmas Outline below if you'd like or come up with your own. I make variations to it each year depending on the family. This is what I'll be doing this year starting on the 13th of December. 
Needed Items:
Candy Canes
Nativity Set-mine was 10 pieces
Small cards to attach to your packages
Star ornament or popsicle sticks to make a star ornament
Candy/treats if you desire
Packaging materials for your nativity pieces

  • Make cards for each of the 12 nights to go with your pieces. Include the date of the night and the scripture you'd like them to read with your piece.
Nativity Pieces and cards waiting to be packaged.

  • Package up the pieces separately, add treats if you'd like. Tie the scripture/date card to the package.

Packaged Nativity Pieces

  • For the "star" night I did not have a star ornament so I made some. The family has 3 children so each child can decorate their own star and put it on their tree. Glue popsicle sticks together and add a ribbon at the top to make an ornament.

Wood popsicle stick ornaments.
  • For the first night I packaged up candy canes and a small letter telling the family what was coming so they weren't confused when random nativity pieces and scriptures show up on their porch. (What I wrote is below. Use it or change it up to fit your needs.)

First Night Package for 12 Days of Christmas Nativity Version

Nativity Pieces and Matching Scripture Versus:
December 13- Candy Canes and Card
You're are such Friendly neighbors and friends, 
We wish to pass along the spirit of Christmas that we hope never ends. 

Nothing says Christmas like a little red and white….
Except for the Christmas story which will be brought to you each night.

Each package will include a scripture or two, 
Look it up, read it together, and if you do…

You'll have read the Christmas story by Christmas Day, 
And feel the true meaning of Christmas we pray.

Merry Christmas!

December 14-Joseph Figure-Luke 2:1-6
December 15-Cow Figure-Luke 2:8
December 16-Angel-Luke 2:9-14
December 17-Shephard-Luke 2:15-16
December 18-Wiseman-Mathew 2:1-2
December 19-Wiseman-Mathew 2:7-9
December 20-Star Ornaments with the following:
      Shephards were told to follow the star they would see,
      Decorate one to put on your Christmas Tree!
December 21-Wiseman-Mathew 2:11-12
December 22- Donkey and/or sheep-Luke 2:20
December 23-Mary-Luke 2:7
December 24-Baby Jesus Mathew 1:21

Good Luck and Have Fun!

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