
Monday, July 22, 2013

DIY Framed Corkboard

A few years ago I was given a mirror for Christmas that I loved. However, we were painting our house at the time so it sat propped against a wall in my bedroom waiting to be hung. One fateful day it got knocked over and broke. I thought I would just get a new piece of glass cut so I put it in storage and there it has sat for almost 3 years. I saw it sitting there, priced a new piece of mirror and decided to make something else out of it that would cost close to nothing. 

I just have a hard time throwing things away that could possibly be used for something else.

I hammered the rest of the mirror out and vacuumed up the loose pieces. Then found some cork board pieces to fit inside the frame. To get them to fit I had to place some tissue paper underneath as the frame was a little deeper than the pieces I found. At some craft stores you can find rolled cork board that you can cut to the size you prefer. After making sure the cork fit I was done. At the moment I'm using it for pictures/snapshots of fun things my family has done in the current year. I may move it to another room though and use it for a bedroom. We'll see. So here is my project in steps, you could do it with any type of frame. Once you have the supplies this is a very quick and easy project. Good luck if you try something similar.

Broken Mirror

Mirror pieces out and cork pieces placed inside.

Finished project with photos inside.

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