
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Nativity Activities for Kids

As a child I loved hearing my Dad read the Christmas Story from the Bible every Christmas Eve. Still do. I remember picturing Mary on the Donkey and Joseph trying to find a place for them to stay. The older I get the more the story means to me and the more I enjoy the true meaning of Christmas. I've been trying to start a collection of Nativity scenes so over the years I'll have different ones. I love to see them on display in homes and in stores and see how different they all are. 
I've also been thinking about kids lately and how the holidays are more and more geared toward Santa, and all that goes along with him. I wanted to think of some simple things that kids could do during the season that go along with the Christmas story. So along with writing letters to Santa, and baking sugar cookies they could do a few things to help them remember why we celebrate Christmas. So just a few ideas below. Like I said very simple. I'll try and add to them a bit next year. 

Make Your Own Star Christmas Tree Ornaments
Supplies Needed:
  • Popsicle Sticks
  • Glue-I used hot glue
  • Twine or ribbon
  • Paint or markers

Glue two popsicle sticks together in a "V" then add one stick at a time to complete your star.
Add a loop of string to the top 
Have children decorate their star
Hang it on the tree when finished
-Talk about the star that the Wisemen saw in the east and followed to the baby Jesus.

Gingerbread "Wisemen"

  • Using cookie cutters make gingerbread or salt dough shapes. 
  • Once they are dried you can let the children decorate them to look like the 3 Wisemen. You could also add ribbons to the top and make them ornaments as well.

  • Add ribbon to your gingerbread shapes to make them "Angels"

 Shepherds Treat

  • Candy Canes resemble the shepherds staffs/hooks that they use when watching over their flocks.
  • Give children a treat or using bread stick dough shape it to look like a staff.

 Make or Decorate a Crown

  • One of Jesus many names was King of the Jews. Find a template online or create your own crown and have the kids decorate them.

 Make your own Puzzles
Print a picture online of the Manger Scene, or the gifts the Wisemen brought, or any other Nativity scene. Cut it up into puzzle pieces and let the kids put it together and then color it. Do it on poster board  or card stock for it to be a little more sturdy.

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