
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Oh Crap to Oh Snap!- Zooming

The Power of ZOOMING-

A month or so ago I was able to take some pictures of a cute Senior I know. I took quite a few and as I was looking at them after I was reminded of how the smallest of things can change an entire picture.

Taking a step forward, stepping just to the side a few inches, checking the background and adding or taking something away. These pictures are before and afters. The first shot I took realized it might look better closer or at a slightly different angle and it made a huge difference in the picture.

So several of these went from Oh Crap to Oh Snap! :) While I am by no means and expert I hope you can learn something from the examples as I did. It was a good reminder for me even now as I look at them months after the fact.

(These have very little editing done on them.) Please add your opinion on any of the shots. I'd love to hear it so I can watch out for do's and dont's in the future.

You can find some great quick tips here from Alex Nolan on zooming, focus, and a few other topics.

On to the before and afters:

These first two you could argue which one works better for you. The second one shows the barn doors to the left which gives a bit more to the story of the picture. But the first one puts a little more focus on the girl, as she is closer and the background distractions are taken out.

Oh Crap!-Rule of thirds in place but not quite the shot I wanted.

Oh Snap!- By zooming in and stepping a little closer you get more details and a better picture.

Before-From afar.....
After-A slight zoom helped this picture out.

Oh Crap-Too far away.

Oh Snap- Looks better.

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